28 February 2011

Eleven Years Ago

Today is our sweet daughter's birthday. I never knew how much my life would change and how much happiness a person can give to so many people. I have watched my daughter grow into a lovely young girl--with a caring heart that loves helping people, puts other people first and loves nature(she can catch those fish).

My wish Katie is that you live your life as God has plan and you are able to travel one day and see Egypt. Keep reaching for your dreams--with hard work becoming an archaeologist is within your reach--I know this is your biggest dream.

I thank God so much for letting me be your mom!

Happy Birthday!!

We love you,
Mom and Dad :)
Chimney Rock, NC
Looking For Pumpkins
Wolf Lodge Last Year

14 February 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone will have a very special Valentine's Day!

"Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine, love, thou art every day my velentine!"

                         Thomas Hood

Tracy :)

Dreaming About.....



Fresh Vegetables

 Summer trip to Washington

Being a new owner of an Alpaca

Weaving Classes

08 February 2011

Book Review

The Promises She Keeps by Erin Healy can be described as a very different book. I must be honest and say--it took me a few chapters to get comfortable with the book. The ending was an ending I did not see coming. I am happy, I finished the book!   

The main character, Promise has a terminal illness and she has a goal to become famous so people will remember her when she dies. She avoids death several times throughout the book. Healy also deals with autism. Chase who's character has autism falls in love and uses art to express himself. Other characters are a mother and son(Porta and Zack) who cannot get along. For some reason this story line seemed to worry me the most. Porta's character is the one you may end up hating.

Healy has a great way going from one storyline to another. Her writing keeps you wanting more and more! I would recommend this book--if you do find the first few chapters hard to get into--don't give up! You will be happy you read the book.


* I received this book from the publisher through Booksneeze. I was not required to write a positive review and my feelings on this book are my own thoughts.*

01 February 2011

Love Month

Came across this poem and wanted to share it with my blog friends.

                              Spread Love

                          Spread love everywhere you go:
                          first of all in your own house.
                          Give love to your children,
                          to your wife or husband,
                          to a next door neighbor...
                          Let no one ever come to you
                          without leaving better and happier.
                          Be the living expression of God's kindness
                          kindness in your face
                          kindness in your eyes
                          kindness in your smile
                          kindness in your warm greeting.

                          Mother Teresa

Picture take from Google/Colormatters.com
 By: Jill Morton