02 January 2011

Looking Forward to A Great Year

I do not believe in resolutions, but I have made some promises to myself for this coming year. My family and I have been blessed so much and I feel it is time to give back--so this year my daughter has asked if she could go to a soup kitchen and help out. It is so hard to understand hunger in America and for it to be in your community has been a shock for my daughter. At her young age she understand children are eating one meal a day and going to bed hungry.

My weight loss is going great--40 pounds(the last forty are the hardest to lose--why??) to go and this coming 19 April will be my one year anniversary. I am hoping, I will find out more about plastic surgery at this Dr's appointment!  My life has changed so much and I am still learning how to accept complements and letting go of my oversize clothes. I feel, I need the big clothes for protection--I did throw away an old gown and had tears in my eyes--I felt like, I was throwing myself away.

I am walking more and even on my breaks at work, I will go out and walk around the hospital. I love to walk, because it's my think time and I am a person who does a lot of thinking. One thing I do truly look forward to this year is taking my daughter on a trip--"the mom and daughter trip."  We have been talking about this for almost one year and seeing her on an airplane for the first time will be a joy.

I do hope your New Year will be one that brings you much joy and remember "everyone has a story and feelings."

 I leave you with a thought that has left me thinking: "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
     J.K. Rowling




julochka said...

i'm also looking forward to a great year...it just somehow feels like greatness is in the air.

where will you go with your daughter? have you decided that yet?

reading about your walks makes me wish i'd left the house today. :-)

happy new year, dear tracy!

Nancy M. said...

You are so close! You're doing awesome with your loss! Happy New Year!

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hello Julie

Thanks for your visit--I am thinking about New York or Boston.

Happy New Year to you!

Tracy :)

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hello Nancy

Thanks for your visit and nice comment. It is getting hard, but I know I can do it!

Happy New Year to you!

Tracy :)