31 May 2011

Field Day 2011

 A few weeks ago, field day took place at HPCS and what a beautiful day it was! Grades 3-6 participated in many activities and some of the competitions that took place were: running, a sack race, long jump, baseball throw, jump rope and walking backwards on your hands just to name a few. I was so happy to see the students encouraging other students--no matter if that student was in first or last place.

I enjoy field day, because it's a time for parents to meet and catch up on the year and see what plans are being made for next year. It is also nice to hear summer plans that are on the horizon.

Start of the games

Getting ready

Go Katie!

Mrs M keeping track of the results

Long jump

50 yard dash

Sack race

Picture speaks for it's self

Oh, yes we had a very nice lunch at Frodo's--great pizza!

Hope everyone will have the day of your choice!

Tracy :)

1 comment:

Sarah Laurence said...

This post took me back to my field day days. I love that sack race one especially. It's good to hear the kids are encouraging one another.