14 January 2011

More Snow

The Upstate of South Carolina got more snow that started early Monday morning. When it was all over Greenville got between 7 to 8 inches and maybe more in certain areas. I had to leave for work around 5.00AM and the snow was still coming down--it was so pretty to see. Husband thought I was crazy taking pictures outside so early in the morning!

I can never remember getting snow within weeks apart(Greenville had a White Christmas). To tell you the truth, I do hope this is the end for the snow. Yes, it is nice to have snow but when you have to go to work early in the morning it can become a problem-the roads and walking in the slippery stuff is no fun for me. I am looking forward to Spring and Summer!

Have a great week-end!

Tracy :)

Taken from my front porch

Another front porch picture

Let it snow!

Husband's truck

Taken at work and as you can see we got a lot more
snow than we did on Christmas Day(see post from
28 of December)


Wanda..... said...

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.....watch for my "Mail Art" to you, Tracy! :)

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

We know all about snow in New England. Your pictures are lovely.

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hello Wanda

Thanks for your visit and I will keep my eyes open for my "Mail Art"

Wish this snow would just go away!

Tracy :)

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hello Susan

I appreciate your visit and I hope all is in New England! How much snow did you all get??

Upstate of SC received 7 to 8 inches!


Tracy :)

Cheryl Cato said...

Nice snow photos! I wish we would get a bit of snow here in central Texas, but I don't think it is to be. We just don't have enough moisture in the atmosphere when we have temperatures that are cold enough for snow. It happens here rarely... once every 10 years or so. Enjoy it while you have it & be careful out there!