05 December 2010

Mail Art

I have a new hobby and it is called--mail art. You might ask yourself, what is mail art? Let me share my definition with you.  Mail art is taking what you have(recycle paper items, ect..) and create a letter and envelope with art. I have saved everything from magazines, Starbucks coffee holders, old stamps and I went to city hall and got everything on Greenville I could take!! The sweet man working that day just looked at me and laughed after I asked for a bag. I told him I was sending art mail to several countries and was sharing my city with new friends--he smiled and seem happy. :)

I have received letters from Australia, Hawaii, Japan, Ohio and Alabama and have shared a lot about Greenville to people I have sent mail art to. I have learned a lot about the area where my letters have come from and have made friends I hope will visit Greenville in the near future. We have a blog where we post out letters and share with other members all we can about mail art. I am very happy to be part of this group and I am learning so much.

Computers are a good thing, but I think it's sad to see the art of  letter writing becoming a thing of the past. I love receiving a nice hand written letter in my post box more than receiving an e-mail.

(More letters will be posted in the future)

Have the week of your choice!

Tracy :)

From Australia

Letter from Australia
Beautiful art work and letter from Hawaii

Butterfly from Alabama



Wanda..... said...

I was wondering if my mail art to you had been lost in delivery Tracy! You've received some lovely pieces!

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Thanks for your visit Wanda. I received your lovely mail and will post soon! Been sick for the past week and now husband is feeling under the weather.

Tracy :)

Sarah Laurence said...

I love Robert McCloskey – Maine really is that special. How sad to hear that you lost your independent bookstore. We also buy books as gifts. Happy Weekend to you too!

steviewren said...

One Christmas I'm going to buy all of my presents at the bookstore. I don't know how thrilled some of the recipients will be...but I will love shopping for them.

Nancy M. said...

How cool! I've never heard of this! Those are so pretty!

Barbara said...

Interesting and different.

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hello Sarah

I hope to visit Maine oneday. Yes it is sad that we lost our independent bookstore--Greenville lost a great store.

Thanks for your visit!

Tracy :)

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hello Stephaine

I bet your recipients would love getting books.

Thanks for your visit!

Hello Nancy

Yes-mail art is different, but I love making and sending out letters to my new friends.

Thanks for your visit!

Tracy :)

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hello Barabra

Yes-mail art is very different! I do wonder what the post office people think. Maybe oneday I will ask.

Tracy :)